Business Breakfast took place in the city of Stara Zagora

Business Breakfast took place in the city of Stara Zagora

On 12th of February 2019 Sofia Energy Agency SOFENA with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Stara Zagora organized the seventh business breakfast under the START2ACT project in Bulgaria.

32 participants took part in the training seminar and the business breakfast, 16 out of them represented companies and SMEs. 8 companies expressed their interest to benefit from the consultancy offered under the project.

Porada dnia
Czy twój pogrzewacz wody wyposażony jest w regulator czasowy? Praca podgrzewacza może odpowiadać pracy 10 czajników elektrycznych, a bez regulatora podgrzewacz pracuje cały dzień, całą noc, cały rok!

Czy była przydatna?